Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Project Herbie: The Duratrax Baja Love Bug

Well, a week or so ago the Pizzmeister and I received an e-mail asking us about the Herbie project that we promised to reveal a while ago and put off because our house was plagued illness, but now that we are doing better we will go on with our various rc projects starting with the introduction of Project Herbie!

For those of you who don't know, "Herbie the Love Bug" was a series of movies involving a late 1960's model Volkswagen Beetle that could think and move on its own. I guess you could say it was kind of like the original "Kit" from "Knight Rider" but couldn't talk.

Anyway, growing up I remember that every Christmas time my elementary school would show one of the "Love Bug" movies before Christmas break, and to this day I can't think of a vw beetle with out feeling a little nostalgic.

So, this year when my wife asked me what she and the boys could get me for my birthday, I finally decided that it was time that I got a vw bug of my very own, if only a small one.

So, I can now proudly proclaim to be the owner of a 1/10 scale Duratrax Baja Bug!

Let me tell you, this thing is awesome!  It's so neat to see this splashing through puddles or tossing mud and sand around at the park in the back yard or flying through the air after launching off a jump the Pizzmeister and I have constructed.

Now, that the weather is nicer, I have some plans for it.  Nothing big.  Just a new paint job and some stickers to transform it into a more Herbie-esque bug.

We'll keep you posted on our progress.

Here's a really brief video of our first test run with it.


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